Sword Art Online - Volume 3 - Fairy Dance Page 13
Sylph territory was in the southwest part of ALfheim. To the west was a grassland that opens into the infinitely bright, blue sea. To the east was a deep forest that surrounded the lilac-covered mountains, and on the far side of the mountains, rising high into the sky and uniting everything in its shadow was the World Tree.
“Wow… what an amazing view…!”
Following Lyfa from the elevator, Kirito`s eyes opened wide as he looked at the scenery.
“The sky seems so close that you could almost reach out your hand to grasp it.”
Seeing his eyes reflecting the scenery, Lyfa looked out with Kirito, raised her head, and looked up to the blue sky, stretching her right hand out toward the sky and saying:
“That’s right. Compared to the sky, everything else seems very small.”
Somewhat surprised at the sudden smile Kirito gave her, Lyfa then answered his smile, and continued:
“This is a great opportunity. I always planned to fly from here one day. Then, I had been scared to do it alone, and I couldn’t easily muster the determination necessary.”
“Is that so? But, this became a fighting goodbye somehow.”
“In that state, I would have not been able to leave peacefully anyway. Why…”
Lyfa remarks, half to herself.
“Why am I still tied and bound even though I have wings…”
The answer to Lyfa’s words came not from Kirito but from the one sitting on his shoulder, the pixie named Yui, who had just climbed out from under his coat collar.
“Being a human is complicated.”
Yui answered in a silver bell-like tone; then she flew up and landed on the other side of Kirito to sit down before she took his ear in her hand and whispered:
“This kind of complex human behaviour, the desire for others, I cannot understand the psychology behind it.”
For a moment, Lyfa forgot that the other was a program, stared straight at Yui`s face.
“The desire?”
“I understand that the impulse to seek another’s heart is a basic behavioral principle of humans. And that’s considering what I am based from. If it were up to me…”
Yui suddenly clung to Kirito’s face with both hands and kissed him soundly.
“I would do this. A very simple demonstration.”
Seeing what Yui just did, Lyfa`s eyes went wide; with a wry smile, Kirito poked Yui on the forehead with the tip of a finger. “But the human world is more complex than that. If you did it that directly, it would be considered harassment, and you would be banned.”
“It needs style and dignity, right?”
“… I’m begging you: don’t go remembering strange things.”
Lyfa was amazed, and she kept watching Kirito and Yui as they talked until she finally opened her mouth and said:
“That AI is really incredible. Are all 《Private Pixies》 like that?”
“This one is especially strange.”
Kirito said as he took Yui by her collar and placed her back in his breast pocket.
“But is it alright to desire another person’s heart?”
Lyfa mulled Yui’s words as she stretched.
Then, even my feelings of wanting to fly to anywhere I want in this world, deep inside, they mean that I just want to find someone? Inadvertently, her mind flashed and Kazuto`s face appeared, causing her heart to suddenly thump.
Could this be why I want to use the fairy wings, so that I can fly over obstacles in the real world and finally go into Kazuto’s arms? Is that what I really want…?
“I could never…”
She was thinking too much, she decided. ‘Right now, I simply want to fly. That’s it.’
“Did you say something?”
“No, it’s nothing. Let’s hurry up and depart.”
Lyfa smiled at Kirito, and she looked up towards the sky. It was the dawn of a brilliant sky, and, at the touch of the golden sun, the clouds gradually dispersed, leaving an endless stretch of deep blue sky. Today was going to be a fine day.
After using the Locater Stone at the center of the observatory platform to set Kirito’s return point, Lyfa spread her wings, gently shaking the four pieces.
Kirito, as well as Yui in the pocket, nodded confirmation, and Lyfa was just about to take off when…
She was called to a stop by a person who had rolled out of the elevator, and Lyfa let the foot that had started to float settle back onto the platform.
“Oh, Recon.”
“That’s so mean… you could have at least let me know before you left!”
“Sorry, I forgot.”
Recon’s shoulders drooped, but he took up a face with a serious expression and said:
“Lyfa-chan, is it true that you left the team?”
“It is… but about half of that decision was made in the heat of the moment. What about you?”
“I’ve decided; I want to pledge my sword to Lyfa-chan.”
“No, I don’t really need it.”
Recon stumbled at Lyfa’s words, his wings drooping, but he did not give up because of something like that.
“Originally, I would have said that we should just go together, but I have some things to do.”
“There is no positive proof, so I want to investigate more. I will stay in Sigurd’s party for now… Kirito-san.”
Recon turned to Kirito with a serious expression on his face.
“She has a habit of jumping into trouble, so please be careful.”
“Oh, I see.”
Kirito seemed to be amused by Recon’s expression, and he nodded his head.
“Also, I want to tell you that she is my— Ack!!”
The last words were from a scream caused by Lyfa stomping on Recon’s foot.
“Do not say anything unnecessary! I think I will stay in the neutral zone for some time, but if anything comes up, e-mail me!”
Lyfa said quickly, before she spread her wings and rose gently into the air. Looking toward Recon’s exposed face with some regret, Lyfa waved goodbye with her right hand.
“… Even without me, practice voluntary flight until you can do it perfectly, and don’t go too close to Salamander territory! Bye!”
“Take care Lyfa! I will catch up soon!”
The avatar cried that out despite the fact that the person inside would meet Lyfa soon in school anyway; still, the strong feelings of that parting overwhelmed her with emotions, and she became flustered and suddenly changed her direction. She gazed northeast before resetting her wings to a wider angle and began gliding.
Kirito soon caught up with her, and, as he fought back a smile, said:
“Is he a friend from the real world?”
“Well, yeah.”
“…What was that?”
“Nothing; I just think it’s nice.”
After what Kirito said, the pixie hiding in his chest pocket also said.
“I am very aware of that person’s feelings: he likes Lyfa. Lyfa, how do you see him?”
“I don’t know!!”
Lyfa cried out loudly, increasing her speed to hide her blushing face. Although she has become accustomed to these kinds of straightforward expressions from Recon, for some reason, when in front of Kirito, she became very shy.
Recovering only to find they had already left the city and were flying above the forest. Lyfa turned around to watch the city of emerald disappear as she flew backwards.
At the thought of leaving Sylvain after having lived over a year on its streets, a feeling of nostalgia entered her heart and a pain entered her chest, but the thrill of flying into an unknown world eased the pain. Bye-bye, Lyfa said to herself before turning to face forward.
“..Let’s go! I want to reach that lake in one flight!”
Lyfa pointed to the lake that sparkled in the distance, speeding up her wings.r />
Part 3
The cold touch of his fingers sent shivers up her arms, Asuna endured.
At the center of the birdcage rested a huge bed. Oberon lay flat on the bed with his loose green toga, he took Asuna’s left hand and caressed her skin as she sat beside him facing away. He enjoyed the situation where he could attack her whenever he felt like it. His perfectly created face has a fake smile stuck on it.
Just a little while ago, Oberon entered the cage and lay on the bed, he told her to come beside him. Asuna wanted nothing to do with the man and declined, but seeing his hand manipulating something, she sensed danger heading to her.
She still fought back her disgust and obeyed; the man has severe mood swings, but she was afraid she would be deprived of even more freedom. However, Oberon was looking forward to Asuna’s resistance. He wanted to savour Asuna’s aversion to him, before his use of the system administrator’s rights to restrict her movement. Asuna wanted to maintain her freedom within the cage at least. So that escape from there was a possibility.
But there was a limit. If he touched her body, Asuna would probably jam her right fist into his face. But Asuna didn’t react; no matter how much he stroked her arm, her body was like a stone. Seeing that, Oberon was disappointed that he couldn’t make her squirm, and removed his hand.
“Oh well, you’re a stubborn woman too.”
Oberon disdainfully said. Asuna was offended by his mere voice, as it was a perfect replica of Sugou`s so this was yet another source of dislike.
“Anyway, this body is fake. Nothing I do will leave any scars. Being in such a place all day, aren’t you bored? Hey, don’t you want to have a little fun.”
“You don’t seem to understand. It doesn’t matter if this body is flesh and blood, or virtual; it is real, at least for me.”
“Do you want to say that the mind will become dirty?”
Oberon`s cuckoo-like laugh came from his throat.
“Anyway, until I’ve secured my position in RECTO, I will not let you out. So I think you should be wise to learn to like it. This system is actually very profound, do you understand?”
“I’m not interested. And I will not stay here forever… he will definitely come to help.”
“Eh? Who? Him? The hero, Kirito?”
Hearing his name, Asuna`s body trembled a bit. Oberon laughed and sat up. It seems that he finally found the switch to break Asuna`s heart… and he started babbling.
“His real name is Kirigaya Kazuto, right? I met him, face-to-face a few days ago.”
After hearing this, Asuna looked at Oberon.
“Oh, the emaciated child actually is the Hero of SAO… ah, to be honest, I cannot believe it! Or is it that he is that kind of person, a so-called game fanatic?”
Oberon was overjoyed, and sat up as he continued on.
“I met him… and can you guess where? He was in your ward, where your real body was. As he sat in front of the sleeping you, I told him I was going to marry you this week. His face when I said that was a masterpiece!! Like a dog without a bone, that expression of hopelessness could not be reconciled. I felt like having a good laugh!!”
Oberon’s body shook as his strange laugh splintered the air.
“So you really believe that guy would come and save you? We can make a bet, I don’t think that guy would have even the courage to once again pick up the NERvGear! The chances of him even knowing you are in this game are slim. Oh, yes, I will give him a wedding invitation. He will come to see what you look like wearing a wedding dress. I think that this level of conflict would lead to his destruction. To the hero!”
Asuna bowed her head again, slowly turning her back on Oberon, looking at the big mirror beside the bed. Then she feebly dropped her shoulders, her hands tightly clutching the mattress.
Seeing Asuna this way, Oberon was very satisfied. Asuna watched in the mirror as he left the bed and stood up.
“At the time, the surveillance cameras were turned off, so it was a pity being unable to take a picture of his expression. I would have brought it if I had a picture. If there is a chance, I will try it next time. It is a separation of necessity, Titania, and even if it is a bit lonely, endure it until the day after tomorrow.”
After a final laugh, Oberon turned around, and with his toga swinging, walked toward the door.
In the mirror, Oberon slowly faded away, but Asuna wept tears of joy and cheered in her heart.
Kirito-kun! Kirito-kun is still alive and well!
Since being imprisoned here, that was Asuna’s greatest concern. Only she had been transferred to this world, that he had disappeared and his consciousness had been destroyed. No matter how much she denied it, these thoughts had been a poison constantly dripping in her mind.
Now, however, Oberon`s speech dispelled this concern.
Really, that guy thinks he is so smart, but in fact, he is a fool. It has always been that way. He can’t seem to stop belittling others with speech. Although he often played the hypocrite in front of Asuna’s parents, in front of Asuna and her older brother, Sugou’s poisonous tongue against others was always used.
The same is true now. If he had truly wanted to break her heart, he shouldn’t have told her about Kirito in the real world. He should have told her that Kirito had died.
Kirito is still alive and doing well in the real world.
Asuna repeated this one sentence in her mind. Each time she repeats this, the light in her heart became stronger and more stable.
If he is alive, he would not just sit around. He will find this world, he will certainly come. Therefore, she should not just be a prisoner. She must find out what she could do and act decisively.
Asuna continued to put on a sad face. Through the mirror, she could see that Oberon had reached the door and had turned around to glance at her, to confirm Asuna’s situation.
The door had a small metal plate with twelve buttons arranged side by side. Just entering the numbers in the correct order would open the door.
It was a wonder how he could still do this kind of troublesome thing instead of just using his administrator’s privileges to directly open the door. Apparently, Oberon has his own sense of aesthetics, he doesn’t want to bring system related things here. He just wanted to be a fairy king, with an imprisoned fairy queen to abuse.
It was a stupid performance.
Oberon raised his hand, operating in front of the metal plate. From where he was standing, Asuna could not clearly see the details of his action due to system distance effect, so that when he does press a button, she will not know which. Oberon must have also taken this into account, that a cell with such a lock is safe.
This is true, for a direct view of Oberon.
Oberon used NERvGear to connect to the virtual world, but his time in the virtual world is limited. Therefore, there are a lot of things that he does not understand. For example, in the virtual world, mirrors do not comply with optics.
Asuna pretends to cry, straining her eyes in the mirror from close range. There, clearly reflected, is Oberon, an image with a clarity far too high. In the real world, no matter how close your eyes are to the mirror you can’t see far away objects. Here the mirror is just a ultra-high resolution screen and the distance effect doesn’t apply. Thus, even the activities of Oberon’s fingers are clearly visible.
This was an idea Asuna had thought of long ago. However, when Oberon left the prison, she didn’t have a chance to be close to the mirror. Right now, Asuna was able to take advantage of this opportunity.
… 8… 11… 3… 2… 9……
Asuna watched closely as Oberon`s white fingers pressed the code, and Asuna quickly took it to heart. The door opened, Oberon went out, and the door crashed shut. With his jade-colored fairy wings rocking, he moved along the road in the tree, eventually disappearing.
Asuna stayed in place, staring at the checkered floor of the cage.
She has only obtained the following information so far:
This is inside a type of VRMMO, similar to SAO, called 《ALfheim Online》 and the game is operated officially to attract a large number of players. Oberon / Sugou used the ALO server to take some of the SAO players, about three hundred people, hostage through 《Brain Imprisonment》 for use as subjects in illegal human experimentation. That is all.
When asked as to why he initiated such dangerous and illegal experimentation in a public game, Sugou whiningly said, “Do you know how much money it takes to run this system? It took ten million just for this one server! This way the company can have profits, and I can do my research, two birds with one stone.”
So it’s about money, which is good for Asuna. If it was a fully enclosed environment, there was nothing she could do. Since this world is closely linked to the real world, then there is hope.
The day in-game flies faster than in the real world, Asuna once heard Oberon say. That exact calculation was difficult, but Oberon solved it for her without meaning to.
He often visited every other day. When his business was completed, he would use a terminal system within the company to get here. Asuna knew that he has a tendency to stick to the life cycle he finds so familiar, so she didn’t think his schedule ever changes. Thus, the best time to do something would be after he goes home to sleep.
Of course, there are more people associated with this plot than just him. However, this is by nature a crime, so it is hard to imagine that all the companies associated with ALO are mixed up in it. They might just be a few people, all of whom are probably directly under Sugou’s command. Even so, it would not be possible to monitor the interior of ALO full time because there is no one in the working class willing to work all night.
To escape from this cage, it would be necessary to somehow slip past their eyes and find the terminal located somewhere in the system. Once I have access, it would be possible to log out, if not I can try to send a message out. Asuna lay on the bed, placed her face in the pillow, and waited for time to pass.
Chapter 4