Sword Art Online - Volume 3 - Fairy Dance Page 3
She wanted Kazuto to keep on smiling. Since he returned from that world, Kazuto had become a lot more open than before. He began to talk more with Suguha. He even got gentler and no longer made any unreasonable demands. It felt like they’ve returned to their childhood days. Therefore she realized just how important that person was when she saw her brother’s tears. At that point she began to persuade herself.
–But, I’ve, I’ve already realized…
As Kazuto closed his eyes to reminisce about that person, Suguha felt like her heart could not stop hurting, as if she was trying desperately to hide another feeling.
As she watched Kazuto pour milk into a glass on the table and then gulp it down, Suguha whispered to herself within her heart.
–Hey, Onii-chan. I, I already know.
The siblings of before had now become cousins; yet even Suguha did not understand how it ended up like this.
But something did change. Although she hadn’t really thought about it up until now, a small secret continued to flicker within her heart.
Maybe it’s possible that she liked Onii-chan; but if it’s like this, then that was probably fine.
Part 3
After my bath, I changed my clothes and left on the bike that I had just bought about a month ago. By bicycle, the 15 kilometers to my destination was quite some distance, but the burden was just right for the still-recovering me.
My journey took me to a recently built hospital on the outskirts of Tokorozawa City, Saitama Prefecture.
The top ward of the hospital, was where she quietly lay.
Two months ago, atop the 75th floor of «Aincrad», I had defeated the final boss «Holy Sword» Heathcliff, and by so doing completed that death game. Afterwards, I awoke in a hospital room. Coming to, I found myself returned to the real world.
But she, my partner, my most important person, Asuna the «Flash», had not.
Inquiries about her had yielded no results. After regaining consciousness in a Tokyo hospital and aimlessly wandering about, I was discovered by nurses who brought me back to my room. Ten minutes later, a man dressed in Western clothing appeared before me, declaring himself a representative of the «Ministry of Internal Affairs - SAO Countermeasures Division».
The organization of that grand name seemed to be formed immediately after the outbreak of the SAO incident, but in those two years, there was nothing they could do. However, that was unavoidable as well. If they had carelessly dabbled with the server, without cancelling the protection program made by programmer Kayaba Akihiko, the mastermind of this incident, ten thousand people would have had their brains destroyed. No one wanted such responsibility.
Regrouping, they made preparations to better observe the status of the victims laying in the hospital. Their one hope - a tiny light, but an immense task - was to survey player information through server data.
They so came to follow my progress on the frontlines, taking into account my level, position, and role as a vital player in the «Capture Group» trying to complete Sword Art Online. Therefore, when SAO players awoke all over the country, Ministry agents had rushed to my room, hoping to better understand what had just happened.
I revealed my conditions to the government official with the black rim spectacles who came into my sight. I would tell them all I knew. In exchange, they were to tell me what I wanted to know.
The thing I desired to know was of course Asuna’s whereabouts. After a few minutes on the phone, the spectacled man turned and spoke, confusion naked on his face.
“Yuuki Asuna has been admitted to another medical institution in Tokorozawa. However, she has not awakened … and not only her, 300 others across the country have yet to wake up either.
“Initially we thought that this was simply the result of a lag spike occurring in the server. However, hours had turned to days as Asuna and the others had yet to wake.”
Whether or not the plot of the missing Akihiko Kayaba still continued caused a great disturbance around the world, but my views ran contrary. I still remember the destruction of Aincrad, shrouded in the red setting sun.
He had certainly said it. He would release all surviving players. Moreover, by then he no longer had any reason to lie. He had definitely let himself disappear along with that world, this I wholeheartedly believe.
However, be it an unforeseen incident or in accordance with someone’s will, the SAO server, which should have been completely formatted/reset, continued operation. Asuna’s NERvGear was no exception, binding her soul within its depths. What went on deep within, I had not a clue, but if…if…if I could return to that world just once more-
If Suguha knew what I did then, she would have been furious. Leaving a note, I entered my room put my NERvGear on and started the SAO client. Surely enough, however, an error message coldly appeared before my eyes, «Error: Cannot connect to server».
Once my rehabilitation was complete, my freedom of movement had been restored, and from then until now, I had been periodically paying Asuna visits.
That was an extremely tough time. The feeling of something more important than anything else being unreasonably snatched away from me was far more painful than any physical or mental injury. Even moreso to the current me, powerless as a child.
Continuing the 40 minute trip, pedaling at a slow pace, I got off the main road and turned onto a winding, hilly road. Soon, an enormous building appeared before me. It was a privately managed, state of the art, medical institution.
The security guard at the entrance, now a familiar face, didn’t bother to ask my reason for coming. I parked my bicycle in a corner of the huge parking lot. At the first floor reception desk, which bore the appearance of a high class hotel lobby, I was issued a visitor’s pass. I clipped it to my chest and got on the elevator.
In several seconds, I reached the top floor, the 18th, and the door slowly opened. I walked south down the empty corridor. This floor had many long-term in-patients, but seeing others here was a rare occurrence. Finally, at the end of the corridor, a pale green door came into sight. There was a dull nameplate on the wall next to the door.
«Yuuki Asuna», below that display was a thin slit, which I was running toward. I unclipped the pass from my chest and slid its lower edge in the silt. The door slid open with a faint electronic sound.
Stepping into the room, I was enveloped by the refreshing fragrance of flowers. Fresh flowers at odds with the winter season decorated the room. The interior of the spacious hospital room was partitioned with curtains, which I slowly entered.
“Please let her wake up—” I touched the cloth, praying for a miracle and gently pulled the curtains apart.
A high-end intensive care unit was similar to the one I’d been in – even the mattress was the same. Sunlight gleamed off the white covers, falling gently on Asuna’s face. If I didn’t know any better, I’d have thought that she was simply sleeping.
When I first visited, I’d had this thought: would she disapprove of me seeing her this way? Such worries had since faded away. She really was too beautiful.
Her beautiful deep chestnut-colored hair, rippled like water on the white mattress around her; her translucent white skin, with a tinge of rose in her cheeks.
From her neck to her clavicle, her features looked exactly the same as they did in that world. Light cherry colored lips. Long eyelashes, trembling as if they’d open at any moment. If it weren’t for that helmet, that is.
NERvGear. Its three, pale, flashing LED lights were twinkling like stars, evidence of its continued operation. Even now, her soul is still trapped in some world. I took her small right hand with both of mine, feeling her warmth. The feeling of her firm grip felt just the same as before. I held my breath, desperately trying to hold back tears as I cried…
The ringing of her alarm clock returned me to reality. Without me realizing, it had already become noon.
“I should go, Asuna. I’ll come again soon.”
I was then alerted
to the sound of the doors sliding open, and I turned my attention to the two men entering the ward.
“Oh, Kirigaya-kun. I apologize for this disturbance.”
An older man stood before him with a calm facial expression, returning the card in his hand to his pocket. From his physique and appearance, he looked to be a spirited and confident man, but sported grey hair that was the result of two years of worrying about his daughter. This was Asuna’s father, Yuuki Shouzou. I had learned from Asuna previously that her father was an entrepreneur, but that did nothing to curtail my surprise upon learning he was the CEO of the electronics company «RECTO».
I bowed my head slightly and spoke.
“Hello. Sorry to interrupt, Yuuki-san.”
“It’s nothing, it’s nothing. Having you always come here like this, I should be the one apologizing. I’m sure that child would also be most pleased.”
He walked to Asuna’s pillow, absently stroking her hair as he gazed sadly at Asuna’s face. A moment later, he introduced me to the man standing behind him.
“This is someone new. He’s the director of our research institute, Sugou-kun.”
My first impression of him was a positive one. He was tall, wearing a dark gray suit, with a pair of yellow framed glasses balanced on the bridge of his nose. His eyes hid behind its thin lenses, and his perpetual smile completed the image. I imagined he was barely past his 30s.
He stretched out his hand and said:
“It’s nice to meet you. I am Suguo Nobuyuki. You must be that hero Kirigaya-kun.”
“Kirigaya Kazuto. Nice to meet you.”
I shook Sugou’s hand and turned my head to glance in Yuuki Shoujou’s direction, his hand supporting his slightly down-turned head.
“About that, sorry. SAO’s servers have already been shut down. This incident is almost like something you’d see on TV. He’s my most trusted son. For some time now, he hasn’t had contact with the family.”
“President, this matter is -”
Sugou loosened his hand, turning to Shoujou to speak.
“Next month, I want to clearly tell everyone.”
“Is that so? But is it really ok? You’re still quite young, your life has barely begun…”
“My mind is made up. I want to take advantage of this time when Asuna is still beautiful…and have her wear a bridal gown.”
“It seems that you have thought this through.”
“With that, I take my leave. See you again Kirigaya-kun.”
He nodded his head, turned around and walked out the door, closing the door behind him. The only males left in the room were Sugou and I.
Sugou Nobuyuki slowly moved to the bedside, standing opposite to me. He stroked Asuna’s chestnut hair, making noises as his left hand trailed through her hair. It filled me with a sense of disgust.
“When you were in the game, you lived with Asuna, didn’t you?” Nobuyuki-san said.
“In that case, our relationship might be slightly complicated.”
Sugou looked up, and we made eye contact. At that moment, I realized that my impression of this man couldn’t have been further from the truth.
Through his thin glasses, his small pupils gave one the impression of sanpaku, lips curled in a smile. These together gave off a feeling of cold callousness. Cold sweat ran down my back.
“About what I just said…”
Sugou gave off a bored smile.
“That is, Asuna’s marriage to me.”
I couldn’t utter a word. What did he just say? Sugou’s remark enveloped my body like a burst of cold. After a few moments of dead silence, I managed to spit out, “Do you think I’d possibly let you get away with that?”
“Oh, most certainly. To receive her approval in this sort of circumstance would be quite impossible. On paper, I’m an adopted son of the Yuuki family. In reality, however, she’s hated me for some time now.”
Sugou’s fingers neared Asuna’s lips.
I subconsciously grabbed Sugou’s hand, pulling him away from Asuna’s face.
Shouting now, I screamed, “You bastard…you dare exploit Asuna’s condition?!”
“Exploit? No no, this is well within limits. Honestly, Kirigaya-kun. Do you know what happened to SAO’s company, «Argas»?”
“I heard they broke up.”
“Correct. Development costs, along with the damages all put them in debt, and the company eventually went bankrupt. Therefore, the SAO server maintenance is now under the responsibility of RECTO’s FullDive technology department. Specifically, my department.”
From the other side of the bed, Sugou turned to look at me. Revealing a demonic smile, he inched nearer to Asuna’s cheek.
“That is to say, she is still alive because I permit it. Therefore, don’t you think I should be compensated for my troubles? Am I wrong?”
Hearing this only strengthened my conviction.
This man wanted to exploit Asuna’s situation, to use her life to fulfill his ambitions.
Turning and standing, looking contemptuously at me, the smile disappeared from his face. In any icy tone, he spoke once more.
“I don’t know what happened between you and Asuna in the game, but I want you out of her life from now on. I hope you don’t make any future contact with Yuuki and her family.”
I clenched my fists, angry at my inability to do anything. I felt so helpless.
Several moments of silence passed by. Then, Sugou said with a mocking tone:
“The wedding ceremony will be held next week right here in this very ward. I hope you’ll come. Cherish this last meeting of yours, Hero-kun”
I wanted a sword. I’d pierce his heart, slice his neck. I don’t know if he felt some sense of my inner turmoil, but he patted my shoulder, turned and curtly left the room.
When I got home, the memory of our encounter still burned fresh in my mind. I lay on my bed and stared at the wall in a stupor.
That is, Asuna’s marriage to me.
She is still alive because I permit it.
My meeting with Sugou played over and over in my head, like a movie stuck in a loop. My heart felt like a red hot lump of twisted metal.
But- This all might just have been because a strong sense of self-consciousness.
Sugou is the person who has always been the closest to the Yuuki family. This was also the reason he was able to become Asuna’s fiancé. Trusted deeply by Yuuki Shoujou, he also held great responsibility in Recto. Asuna was probably arranged to marry this man long before we met in Aincrad. Compared to him, our time together was probably nothing more than an illusion. The indignity of having to give Asuna over to that man’s whims, which were at best, like the caprice of a small child.
To us, the floating city of Aincrad was the real world. The vows we had exchanged there, the words, all glittered with the brilliance of a gem.
«I want to remain by Kirito’s side forever-»
Asuna’s words and smile slowly slipped away.
“I’m sorry…I’m sorry, Asuna…I…can’t do anything…”
Tears of sadness slid down my face, potsu, potsu, onto the top of my clenched fist.
Part 4
“Onii-chan, the bathroom’s free!”
Suguha yelled at Kazuto’s room, located on the second floor, but there was no response.
That evening, after returning from the hospital, Kazuto had locked himself in his room, not coming down even for dinner.
Suguha placed her hand on the doorknob, but hesitated. If he hadn’t gone straight to sleep then perhaps he’d caught a cold, she reasoned, adding strength as she turned the handle.
Kacha~. The door opened revealing a darkened room.
He must be sleeping, she thought, and as she turned to leave the room, a gust of cold air blew in, making her shiver. The windows seemed to be open. There really doesn’t seem to be any other way, she thought, shaking her head.
She tip-toed softly across the room, makin
g her way toward the window…only to find her brother curled up on the bed, wide awake.
“Ah, Onii-chan, I’m sorry. I thought you were asleep,” was Suguha’s bewildered response.
After a few moments of silence, Kazuto replied in a voice devoid of emotion, “Sorry, but could you leave me alone?”
“But, but, the room was so cold…”
Suguha reached out and took Kazuto’s hands in her own. They felt as cold as ice.
“This isn’t good. Your hands are frozen; you’ll catch a cold like this. Hurry up and take a shower.”
Some light filtered in through the curtains from a street-lamp, alighting on Kazuto’s face. At this moment, Suguha understood something had happened to her brother.
“What happened?”
His reply was but a choked whisper.
Without waiting for her to finish, he buried his face in his hands. Hiding himself from Suguha, and with a hint of self-loathing, he said, “I really am useless. It wasn’t so long ago that I swore to never again say such defeatist words…”
Halfway through his words, Suguha had already understood what had happened. Speaking in a trembling, quiet voice, she asked, “That person…Asuna-san…just what happened?”
Kazuto’s body tensed. In a low voice, filled with pain, he answered, “Asuna…has gone somewhere…somewhere far. A place…where my hands can’t reach her… “
This time it was made clear to her. Watching Kazuto, crying like a child in front of her, Suguha’s heart was touched.
She closed the window, drew the curtains, turned on the air conditioning, and sat down at his side. She hesitated for a moment, before taking his cold hands in hers again. Kazuto’s curled body relaxed in an instant.